Social Concerns

Mamala Maternity is a global enterprise that designs, manufactures, and sells clothing to women. We sell our clothing & related products via three main channels: in our own retail boutiques, online, and ‘wholesale’ to independent retailers. Occasionally we may produce products in collaboration with other companies.

Being a vertical manufacturer, we specify and monitor every aspect of raw material and finished product production; whether it be textile knitting/weaving, or sewing and decorating processes. Currently we manufacture in three geographic areas: Israel, Palestine, & Italy.  We do not produce apparel in any 3rd world country.

~Wherever we have clothing production, we are cognizant of that factory’s ethical and social standards as best we can. This has limitations, as some of the facilities are not directly managed by us, and we do not always have a 24-hour a day, presence there.

~We can state that we are committed to ensuring that there does not exist modern slavery, human trafficking, child labor, or health and safety risks within any of our supplier’s facilities. This includes (to the best of our knowledge) that no inhumane treatment is practiced .

Within our organization we foster ethical and social responsibility for many realms.

 Additionally, our focus is toward facilitating a better planet via the fashion industry, with the advent of our Wear Me Now Wear Me Later project- designing and creating for longevity, waste reduction, and utilizing recyclable materials that reduce environmental toxins.

Further information relative to our involvement with Circular Fashion Economics can be reviewed on our website here. Through the Garment Green Alliance ….our associated non-profit startup, Mamala supports and manages waste reduction, recycling, and humanitarian assistance.